Email security is one of the most important concepts for internet users to understand. Whether email service is used for business communication or simply to pass notes back and forth between friends and family, privacy is a central focus.
Knowing the basics of email security and encryption technology can substantially boost safety and confidentiality. Take some time and read over a few of the most important tips to remember when it comes to email security.
Understanding technical terms
There are a few terms that are commonly used when discussing email or online security. Here is a short breakdown of a few key pieces of technical terminology.
PGP – Pretty Good Privacy is a technology that was developed in the early 90’s to encrypt email messages before they travel to their destination and decrypt them upon arrival.
S/MIME – Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions is used to encrypt the transfer of email multimedia files.
SSL/TLS – Secure Sockets Layer or Transport Layer Security uses cryptography to secure the transmission of data between a browser and a website.
Make backup copies when necessary
Without regular backup initiatives, critical information is not entirely safe. Any amount of problems could occur with email transfers, and files could be lost or compromised. It is important to keep secured copies of records and conversations that contain sensitive business information.
There are built-in tools available through Windows to assist in backing up files, but there are also several other platforms for this type of storage. Mac has Time Machine, and CrashPlan is another excellent storage medium.
Choose a highly rated email service
Choosing the right email service should depend upon the need. If it is a business email, then there will be a different type of sensitive information being transferred. Small or large businesses should put in proper time and effort to choose a well-designed email platform for company communications.
Implement malware and spyware defense
No matter what an email address is being used to transfer, every computer and communication service deserves an adequate malware and spyware protection to preserve valuable pieces of information. Superantispyware and Malwarebytes are excellent software programs that will sift through files quickly and more efficiently and sniff out any malicious implants.
Choose wisely when receiving messages
When receiving messages, there are also several safety measures that should be regularly implemented in business and personal email transactions. For instance, hidden links embedded into spam emails are always a bad idea. That said, it would always be a good idea to use software like Abnormal Security that tends to use artificial intelligence and machine learning to stop any email spams from reaching your employees.
Additionally, for added security, do not click on a link, unless it is certain where it leads. Do not even open spam mail, as this simple action can open the door for malicious cookies and other spyware to be placed on the host computer.