Trying to keep track of all aspects of your finances can be a tedious process that can get on your nerves sometimes. Using a calculator, a pen and a paper to make sense of where you stand regarding your investments, spending, savings and budgeting is definitely something nobody looks forward to. Nevertheless, given we are currently in the age of advanced technological solutions, it was only a matter of time before a solution was found in the form of finance apps that run on the android platform. Google Playstore is full of numerous finance apps that all aim to make it easier for you to manage all aspects of your finances. Trying to wade through all these apps in an effort to find the best ones is very difficult and time consuming and that is the purpose of this article. The following is a list of the best finance apps in the market today.
Prosper Daily
The best aspect of Prosper Daily is how it protects you from any fraudulent charges on your credit cards. By tracking all your financial transactions, this application is able to establish whether any erroneous charges have been made after which it will alert you on the same. Prosper Daily also allows you to contact the merchant to ensure you get your money back.
Level Money
For those who have a problem keeping track of their cash flow and consequently spending more than they have to will find this award-winning app to be very helpful. Level Money keenly monitors how much money you spend every day or every month which gives it a financial baseline on where to start from. Once your monthly expenditure has been established, it provides this exact figure after removing all deductible amounts i.e. bills and savings.
The remaining amount of money is that you are going to spend on the specified month. Level Money, therefore, helps to regulate your spending so that you don’t end up spending money you don’t have.
Mint Bills
Do you constantly find yourself struggling to keep up with how many bills you have to pay in a month? Well, Mint Bills is here to help. The problem with being unable to track all the bills you have to pay is that it makes financial planning a nightmare. Nevertheless, should you use Mint Bills; you get an application that tracks all your bills for you while monitoring your bank accounts and credit cards as well. What’s more, you get alerts that remind you when your funds are low, when bills are due or when you are almost reaching your credit card limit.
Personal Capital
Being an investor requires you to constantly monitor your finances in order to check for any signs of progress or regression. Personal Capital enables you to not only keep track of the performance of your investments but also enables you to properly analyze it by giving you a number of charts and graphs that break everything down so it’s easier for you to understand. Individuals who use online platforms that allow for online trading e.g. CMC Markets, will definitely appreciate using Personal Capital as it will help them to keep track of all the securities they are either buying or selling. This application also helps you to keep track of all your fees for any erroneous payments in the event you’ve signed up for a mutual fund.
The Bottom Line
This application serves to help you have a thorough understanding of the state of your finances. You will get up to date information regarding your investments and your spending will be tracked to ensure you stay within your limits. You also get the additional benefit of making your retirement planning easier.
Pocket expense
Pocket expense has the advantage of being the premier multi-tasking application in the world. You have the benefit of being able to seamlessly track multiple accounts so that you are effectively on top of your finances. Moreover, you get cumulative statistics for every day, week, month and year that is provided for every account. This application also features all the other custom features like tracking spending, expenses, bills and ensuring you adhere to the budget allocated.