It is not too long when the emergence of branded audio podcasts generated an emerging trend. This prompted entry into the audio realm by companies such as Amazon Echo, Google Home and IoT offerings. The technology behind these devices is the use of AI voice generators to help users perform some tasks or provide information. For example, a user may instruct them to do certain tasks such as create a shopping list, adjust the temperature of the room, or search for a place among other tasks. It has been estimated that these voice interactions may reduce browsing on the computer without a screen to 30% by 2020.
Other big companies join the bandwagon of audio content
Popular social sites such as Facebook and Youtube are known for their video content capabilities. However, the craving for audio content has forced them to come up with new strategies to tap into this widening market. Facebook introduced it Live Audio, which has attracted brands all over the world especially those offering informational services. Furthermore, audio content seems to the choice of many people in areas where connectivity is an issue.
Nonetheless, even with audio content increasingly becoming popular, marketers have to be cautious about how they approach this niche. It is still growing and more is to be discovered if it is be exploited fully. Marketers have the headache of not only producing content that is relevant, but content that is also discoverable and intractable with the targeted consumers.
How to make audio marketing successful
An important consideration for marketers creating audio content is to establish who the content is for. Audio marketing is unforgiving and a marketer cannot afford to be broad, since people will most likely consume content that is only relevant to them. The next step is to create content that is unique and one that resonates with your audience. This way, the audience will always be asking for more. Audio content is very advantageous since it is a hands free means of consuming content. This means that one can go about with their daily chores such as cleaning, running, and cooking among others.
Furthermore, with the increase in smartphones, people can go through with their lives while still consuming the content they love. Nonetheless, when compared to other tools marketers have at their disposal, audio content still ranks low. For example, podcasts may be popular when targeted to women between 25-35 years old, while it may not be as popular to men in the same age. Marketers may use other means such as game consoles for men. This clearly shows that the success of audio content will most likely depend on the audience. It would not matter how high its quality is, but if it does not reach the targeted audience, it will not fulfill its intended purpose.